Would it be reasonable to consider CVS Extrabucks a sort of cryptocurrency? Cryptocurrencies hold the promise of making it easier to transfer funds directly between two parties as part of a digital transaction, without the need for a trusted third-party such as a bank or credit card company. The firstRead More →

Advanced Installer is a Windows Installer creation application which software architects and engineers throughout the world have come to trust for its wide array of features. Features such as patching and repackaging of previously released software, catering to emerging tech platforms, and even MSI authoring are quite challenging to use withinRead More →

If you happen to work within the healthcare industry, you may remember the recent efforts your fellow staff were involved in to deploy ICD-10 across your medical organization. Indeed, ICD-10, short for the International Classification of Diseases version 10, was rolled out in late 2015 culminating many months of hardRead More →

Blockchain, the vaguely-defined technology known to support a number of legitimate cryptocurrencies, can be implemented in many different ways. For some organizations, particularly start-ups or certain non-profit groups, it may be cost-prohibitive to engage a third-party vendor in a widescale blockchain deployment. Further, some commercial blockchain implementations may be downrightRead More →

Octal notation is a method for representing permissions within Unix and Unix-like systems (think Linux). At least three integers form part of this format, and each digit corresponds to the sum of its component bits in binary representation. This notation never produces ambiguous combinations and each sum represents a specific set of permissions.Read More →

So-called voice-responsive services, otherwise known as voice-activated solutions, have been in vogue within the last nine months. Part of their allure is their potential for the creation of a channel delivering human-like, automated, and seamless interactions (through voice and audio) between potential or existing customers and businesses. The inherent valueRead More →

Flow cytometry is a very powerful tool useful within the quantitative assessment and characterization of large populations of data points. These data points may represent rare needle-in-the-haystack events ranging from cancer cells circulating in the human bloodstream to defective components built from nanoparticles and even the development of biologics withinRead More →

The Apple iPhone might be considered the most frequently used digital camera, according to Flickr. The quality of the iPhone’s camera and the ease of use in sharing images appeals to a broad audience. Apple could capitalize on the mainstream’s preference for the iPhone’s camera and software technology by developingRead More →